An on-going program that takes young tennis players from the fun level of the beginner through the intermediate, all the way to the advanced stage of the Elite Squad.


Sign up for tennis lessons from our certified coaches!


Coaching And officiating Courses

Based on the ITF Level 1 Syallbus, this is your first step to becoming a certified coach.

An introduction to the rules of tennis, code of conduct, and chair & line umpiring.


Extreme Weather Rule

Dear all

In line with the recent heat stess advisory, we would like to bring to your attention the extreme weather rule as stated in the ITF rules:

Extreme Heat Condition: Modification of Play
Extreme Heat Condition: Modification of Play criterion is defined as when the Web-Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) on court meets or exceeds 30.1°C (86.2°F).

*Play will be modified in accordance to the ITF rules when this confition is met.

Extreme Heat Condition: Suspension of Play
Extreme Heat Condition: Suspension of Play criterion is defined as when the WBGT on court meets or exceeds 32.2°C (90.0°F).

*Should the above condition be met, the referee will suspend the matches till a time suitable to resume.



The Singapore Tennis Association (“STA”) is committed to providing a safe, diverse, and equitable environment to all members of the tennis community in Singapore. This ensures that everyone, at all levels of the sport, continues to have a positive experience in tennis. This Statement sets out the STA’s standards and expectations of everyone involved in its activities.

The STA does not condone and takes a zero tolerance approach to any form of violence, aggression, abuse, misconduct, harassment (occurring in combination or isolation) including (without limitation) the following, whether deliberate, unintentional, unsolicited or coercive:
• Sexual misconduct (e.g. sexual communication, harassment)
• Psychological and physical misconduct (e.g. bullying, hazing)
• Other inappropriate conduct (e.g. wilful tolerance, grooming)
• Misconduct relating to the Safe Sport Unified Code (e.g. false reporting, retaliation, abuse of process)
• Unwanted, unwelcome or offensive conduct of any nature relating to age, gender, sexual orientation, status, race, colour, ethnicity, disability, attributes, religion or athletic ability
• Verbal abuse
• Physical abuse
• Negative or malicious comments
• Offensive gestures
• Intimidation
• Discrimination
• Stalking
• Retaliation

Our zero tolerance stance applies to the STA and all in the tennis community (each, a “Participant”), including without limitation administrators, employees, coaches, officials, volunteers, athletes, trainees and/or their parents, and is irrespective of whether such inappropriate behaviour occurs in the sporting environment (e.g. training) or outside the sporting environment (and online) between participants in sport.

Our approach is consistent with Sport SG’s Safe Sport Programme to tackle misconduct in the athletic environment. Click here to find out more about Safe Sport. In addition, aspects of behaviour identified above are addressed in legislation including the Penal Code, Maintenance of Religious Harmony Act and soon-to-be enacted Maintenance of Racial Harmony Act.

Each Participant has the responsibility to be familiar with this Statement and, by virtue of being a Participant, has expressly agreed to and be bound by this Statement, including its applicable policies and procedures. In the event that the STA determines in its sole discretion that any Participant has breached this Statement, the STA shall take disciplinary action against the Participant as it deems appropriate (including without limitation employment termination, expulsion from the STA program, warning, reprimand, public apology, imposing a financial penalty or a combination of one or more measures). The STA’s decision will be final and binding on the Participant. 

This Statement may be revised or supplemented by the STA as necessary. Each Participant is required to apprise himself/herself of the latest version.

Please click here to download the Safe Sport Statement.

ITF World Tennis Number is here..... Play Locally, Compare Globally. #GameOn

To find out more, visit the link below
ITF World Tennis Number

International Rating Systems

Dear Members,

With regards to International Rating Systems, please be informed that the Singapore Tennis Association (STA) will be guided by the International Tennis Federation (ITF) and ITF will be releasing thier International rating soon.

We will update eveyone accordingly.

As a gentle reminder to all players, players found participating in non-sanctioned tournaments will be placed under not in good standing with the STA, suspended from entering STA organized or sanctioned tournaments, nor be selected to represent Singapore in any international tournament.

10 AugSTA SPEX U10 Red Competition VI 2024
17 AugJ30 Singapore ITF Junior Championships (V) 2024
12 SepSTA Inter-Club Doubles League 2024
17 AugSTA SPEX U10 Orange Competition V 2024
24 AugJ60 Singapore ITF Junior Championships (VI) 2024



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